January 01, 2011

New Start

I'm starting the new year in a very positive way. Weird!
I feel lucky and optimistic and I want to share with everyone all the tiny joys of my life <3

Music, books, outfits, unexpected finds, pictures, I couldn't decide on which topic I wanted to focus the most, so I'll just post everything I like, maybe in a kind of ragionated fashion.
Since my life is a completely chaos but I'm resoluted and I want to dominate it, I'll host two challenge: an album a week (54 records in a year) and (at least) 24 books in a year. Maybe I'll do something similar with movies, let's see. The aim of the challenge is to stimulate my thirst for culture and at the same time to keep track of what I read/listen to so to give you nice tips. If you want to join me in these challenge, please let me know.

Love is all!
Roberta xx

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